Aarhus University Seal



Christian Gade

I am an Associate Professor of Human Security and Anthropology at the School of Culture and Society at Aarhus University, where I coordinate the international Master’s degree programme in Human Security. I also work with conflict management in practice, as a victim-offender mediator in crime cases for the East Jutland Police, and I have undertaken consultancy tasks and training for several organisations and companies, including the Danish National Police, Victim Support Denmark, and the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Currently, I am the PI of the ‘After Access to Justice’ project and a co-PI of the Konfliktråd Impact Project. See website and LinkedIn


Mikel Venhovens 

I am a Postdoctoral Researcher based at Aarhus University in the Department of Anthropology and the ‘Moving Matters’ Research Group at the University of Amsterdam. My research interests are centred around conflict dynamics regarding de-facto states, such as issues of (nation-) state building, crisis and (post-) conflict, violence, ethnicity, disenfranchisement, borderization processes, materiality and ruination, uncertainty and (im-)mobility politics. Methodologically, I am interested in issues regarding wellbeing, uncertainty and paranoia during fieldwork in difficult and sensitive environments. My main geographic focus at the moment is the post-Soviet sphere, with specific focus on the semi-recognized Republic of Abkhazia, the Republic of Georgia and Ukraine. See website and LinkedIn.


Rasmus Harder Helsing

Currently enrolled in the Human Security Master’s Program, my academic interests center on challenges of the anthropocene; climate justice, food security, future socio-economic impacts of climate change, gentrification, alternative economies, and sustainability projects. I hold a BSc in Anthropology from Aarhus University, with a minor in Humanistic Conflict Studies, and have engaged in Human Security and Development studies at Vrije University, Amsterdam. For my bachelor’s thesis, I examined the interplay of street-level practices and political implementation within Copenhagen’s Housing First Initiative, exploring how local actions align with or diverge from broader policy strategies. See LinkedIn.

Former interns


Christian Axboe Nielsen

I am an Associate Professor of History and Human Security at Aarhus University. I have worked as an analyst at the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia and at the International Criminal Court and have appeared as an expert witness in international and domestic criminal and civil cases. My latest book is Mass Atrocities and the Police: A New History of Ethnic Cleansing in Bosnia and Herzegovina (Bloomsbury/I.B. Tauris, 2022). My research focuses on diverse subjects such as Yugoslav history, football hooliganism, mass violence and genocide. See website and LinkedIn

Lotte Meinert

I work as a Professor of Anthropology and Human Security at Aarhus University. I have carried out research in Uganda since 1993 and have led research capacity building projects since 2008. These include: Changing Human Security in Northern Uganda; Governing Transition in Northern Uganda; Imagining Gender futures in Uganda; and Anthropology of Human Security in Africa: ANTHUSIA. My main fields of research are medical anthropology with a focus on life worlds and the pursuit of well-being across gender and generations; as well as changing human security situations: everyday responses to transformative historical events such as epidemics, environmental change and armed conflict in Africa. See website and LinkedIn

Michael Eilenberg

I am an Associate Professor of Human Security and Anthropology at the School of Culture and Society, Aarhus University. With a disciplinary background in both anthropology and development studies, my primary research interests centre on issues of state formation, citizenship, agrarian expansion, biosecurity and environmental politics in frontier settings. In particular, I investigate communal and natural resource related conflicts in frontier regions of Southeast Asia, Africa, USA and Europe. Within this research frame, I have been dealing with different transnational processes such as illicit cross-border trade, labour migration, land grabs and biosecurity, and other kinds of cross-border movements and issues. See personal websiteuniversity website, and LinkedIn

Sarah van Mastrigt

I am an Associate Professor at the Department of Psychology and Behavioural Sciences at Aarhus University. As a trained criminologist and psychologist, my work is primarily situated at the interface between social psychology, crime prevention, and legal policy. I am currently (co-)leading projects exploring the interpersonal dynamics and effects of restorative justice, the prevention and investigation of sexual violence, and the long-term impacts of youth mentoring. Common to all of my work is a dedication to interdisciplinary researcher-practitioner collaboration, and the development and evaluation of interventions aimed at addressing social marginalisation and criminal conflicts. See website and LinkedIn.


Anne Marie Kragh Pahuus

I am a philosopher and vice-dean for research and Head of Graduate School, Faculty of Arts, Aarhus University. Before that I was head of the Department of Philosophy and History of Ideas at Aarhus University. I have written on practical philosophy, particularly on Moral and Political judgement, and introduced Hannah Arendt’s work in a Danish context, and also published on the philosophy of love in both Danish and English. I’m on the board of among others the Danish Institute of International Studies and Gellerup Højskole and I often give talks about ethics in professional work. See website and LinkedIn.

Bjarne Friis Pedersen

I am originally a trained nurse and teacher. My deep interest in conflicts between people began while I was teaching. Since completing a master's degree in conflict mediation (MMCR) at the University of Copenhagen, I have worked full time as a mediator. I am a member of Nordic Mediators and carry out assignments in workplaces, schools and families. I am also a mediator in the Danish Victim Offender programme. Finally, I work for the Danish National Board of Social Affairs as a specialist in mediation. The tasks are typically serious conflicts between citizens and authorities requiring special efforts. See website and LinkedIn.

Kurt Mosgaard

With my last name in mind and a record of being a practitioner in peace operations, I am happy to be part of the Aarcon Advisory Board. My background is in the military with a number of international missions. I have conducted the UN Executive Course in Mediation and Leadership. I had a lead role establishing the Southern Africa Peacekeeping Training Centre in Zimbabwe. I was the UN Force Commander and acting SRSG in Western Sahara. I was commanding the International Brigade for UN Operations (SHIRBRIG). Nowadays, I have a small consulting company. See website and LinkedIn.

Mette Juel Madsen

I am a conflict mediator and the head of professional development at the Danish Centre for Conflict Resolution. I have many years of practical experience working with conflicts and restorative justice. I have worked with youth, schools and crime prevention, and for 10 years I was a mediator in the Danish victim-offender programme. I train mediators, including group mediators, in the courses on mediation and group mediation at the Danish Centre for Conflict Resolution. I also supervise mediators and mediate at various workplaces, political organisations, etc. I have a keen interest in the ethics and values of working with conflict, mediation and restorative processes. See website and LinkedIn.

Paul Riemann

I am interested in the interconnection of international development cooperation, climate diplomacy and the green transition. Currently, I am working at for the UN Environment Programme in Copenhagen. During my studies and in my professional career I have focussed on the promotion and upscaling of climate technologies that support the strengthening of resilient and sustainable societies in developing countries. At UNEP I am working particularly with the social dynamics and challenges of climate technology transfer and climate action. See website and LinkedIn

Søren Rask Bjerre Christensen

I am interested in the potential that restorative justice and restorative approaches have to offer in several arenas of society. I am currently employed at East Jutland Police’s section for crime prevention. Here I work with community policing, youth crime prevention and I act as coordinator for the victim offender mediation program, Konfliktråd. Previously, I worked at Aarhus University on the research project, Konfliktråd Impact Project, and I have also been a volunteer facilitator and coordinator of the Red Cross Youth project, Street Mediators. I have a background in Human Security and anthropology. See LinkedIn

Ulrik Haagerup

I am a trained investigative journalist and former editor-in-chief at Jyllands-Posten and NORDJYSKE. After ten years as Executive News Director at the Danish public broadcaster DR, I quit in 2017 to launch the Independent Constructive Institute at Aarhus University. We work around the world to change the global news culture, where generations of news people have learned that “if it bleeds it leads”, with the consequence that news focus on drama and conflict. My focus is on two questions: 1) Is journalism part of the problem in the trust meltdown in democracies? 2) How can journalism be part of the solution? See LinkedIn


Alberte Stage Frausing

I am studying Anthropology at Aarhus University, where I am interested in the fields of conflict and crime, minorities, and human interaction patterns. Previously, I worked on an international research project at Aarhus University focused on disadvantaged neighborhoods in the Nordic welfare states. I have also taken a course on restorative justice and conflict management. Currently, I am writing my BA thesis on hidden homelessness among young couchsurfers in Aarhus. Additionally, I am taking a course on the Sustainable Development Goals. As a future anthropologist, I am very interested in how knowledge from restorative justice and conflict management can be applied in other areas. See LinkedIn

Alma Fonseca Fjeldsted

I am an MSc Human Security student at Aarhus University with a bachelor’s degree in Anthropology with Humanities and Conflict as a supplementary subject. My interests centre around different interactions between individuals and the Danish welfare state. This includes experiences of (structural) discrimination e.g., rooted in class, looks, gender or ethnicity. Currently, I am particularly interested in interactions with the Danish healthcare system and the experience of being (un-)diagnosed in relation to mechanisms of inclusion and exclusion.

Amy Louise Goodman

I am a master's student in the Human Security program at Aarhus University, whilst also working part time at the Danish Insitute for Human Rights. I previously researched economic security and alternative perspectives on risk within women-led community lending mechanisms in Peru. This research, as part of my bachelor thesis in Market Management Anthropology, led to various insights around economic security and financial exclusion. I am looking forward to expanding my understanding of global issues with Aarhus University. 

Annemarie Majlund

I am a PhD Fellow at Aarhus University. I trained as a visual anthropologist and have carried out research and documentary projects in Northern Ireland, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Serbia. Driven by an interest in how conflict dynamics intersect with dynamics of memory ‘post’ conflict, my main fields of research are memory studies in broad, specifically ethnographic studies with a focus on issues concerning agency and storytelling, the state and the past. I am a member of the ‘Transformation of Conflict’ working group in the EU COST Action on Slow Memory: Transformative Practices for Times of Uneven and Accelerating Change. See website and LinkedIn.

Anne Rebsdorf

I am a conflict mediator and part of the Danish Centre for Conflict Resolution. I mediate conflicts in private companies and public organisations, including conflicts between two parties and conflicts in groups. I teach about conflict management and mediation, supervise mediation, and facilitate processes. Additionally, I work as a psychotherapist. I am educated as a civil engineer, a psychotherapist, and a conflict mediator. Earlier, I worked at the Danish Coastal Authority with coastal protection projects. I am broadly interested in the prevention and handling of conflicts, but especially in mediation of conflicts in the building industry. See https://konfliktloesning.dk/https://annerebsdorf.dk/, and LinkedIn

Ann Fagerdal

I am a mediator and a leadership consultant. I work primarily with workplace conflict - 1-to-1 and groups (often circle processes). My approach is the reflective and the transformative approach. In the future, I would like - also - to work with conflicts in other areas. See www.fagerdal.dk, www.friisfagerdal.dk, and LinkedIn.

Anton Baaré

Anton is a partner and international consultant at Nordic Consulting Group Denmark with a background in the World Bank. His work focuses on human security and conflict transformation, bridging humanitarian aid, development, and peacebuilding. He previously served as a Danida advisor on human rights, conflict resolution, and civil society in Uganda. Currently, Anton is involved in the Danish United Nations Association and co-creating Sustainable Now Denmark where he advocates for local-level involvement in the Leave No One Behind agenda of Agenda 2030 in Aarhus Municipality. Anton is dedicated to promoting fragility, resilience, human security, and Women, Peace, and Security. See website and LinkedIn

Barbora Wilke

As a master's student in Human Security, my academic journey stems from a solid foundation in Educational Sciences. My professional focus extends beyond the classroom, delving into the dynamic realm of human resources management. I am driven by a passion for crafting innovative strategies that foster harmonious workplace environments and enhance conflict resolution techniques. I aspire to bridge the gap between academia and practical application, leveraging my academic insights to develop comprehensive HR policies that proactively address potential conflicts. I believe that effective HR practices play a pivotal role in promoting organisational stability and preventing interpersonal discord. See LinkedIn.

Bettina Lemann Kristiansen

I am Professor of Sociology of Law at the Department of Law, BSS, Aarhus University. I am also a trained Lawyer Mediator. My research interests focus on access to justice, and general tendencies in law such as digitalization and pluralism, and last, but not least, (alternative) conflict resolution. I teach a master course in Conflict Management focusing on alternative conflict resolution. I am particularly interested in the several fora for conflict resolution related to resolving legal conflicts, and where lawyers are involved in the process of conflict management. See website and LinkedIn.

Boris Wortmann

I am the founder of Happy Food Forest, a living lab for regenerative life practice. We want to create a context with living soil, delicious food and happy people. One aspect of creating a regenerative lifestyle is to be able to create space for individual potential development within groups of connected human beings. My approach to conflict management is to develop the skills for humans to avoid destructive conflicts. My experience is rather practical than professional with a background in martial arts and leadership development. See website and LinkedIn.

Caterina Varano

I am a Master's degree student in International Relations at Aalborg University, with a Bachelor's degree in Political Science, Economics and Sociology from the University of Milan. My academic focus centres on issues related to gender and sexuality, particularly in relation to the impact of wars and conflicts on gender dynamics. During my academic career I also explored the reasons why some European countries tend to be more open to a wider understanding of gender and sexuality. Looking ahead, I aim to further investigate how social dynamics shape and influence legal frameworks around these topics. See LinkedIn.

Cathinca Riis-Holm

I am currently enrolled in the Anthropology program at Aarhus University, where I am pursuing a BA. I am enthusiastic about expanding my knowledge and insights in the field of conflict management, and I have a keen focus on its applications within social work, among marginalized groups, and organisations – especially concerning interdisciplinarity, which I have researched during a small field study at Aarhus University Hospital. As a future anthropologist, I firmly believe that conflict management, and communication skills, are invaluable when conducting fieldwork and fostering a deeper understanding of diverse individuals. See LinkedIn.

Cecilie Schultz Pedersen

I am currently a master’s student in Human Security at Aarhus University, and I have a bachelor’s degree in Diaconia and Social Pedagogy. I have an interest in how our discourse influences our social dynamics and how ethics come into play when dealing with individuals in conflict-ridden situations. Therefore, I researched a highly controversial subject in my bachelor's project – namely, paedophilia, and how the existing discourse concerning this topic often normalizes the idea of vigilante justice, even if this would include direct violence. The societal aversion to this contentious subject potentially results in conflicts merely through its discussion. 

Charlotte Risbjerg

I am a mediator, trainer and conflict consultant specialising in workplace mediation and conflict advisory in public and private organisations. Educated in international negotiation, my expertise lies in intercultural and cross-cultural conflict management. Having lived and worked in several countries worldwide, I embraced the potential of online meetings early on. Over a decade ago, I gained my initial practical experience in online mediation. Driven by curiosity and a scientific perspective, I have continuously explored online media and wrote my master's thesis on online mediation during my Master's program in Mediation and Conflict Resolution in the Spring of 2020. See website and LinkedIn.

Clara Dybbroe Viltoft

I have over a decade of experience in international development and am currently involved with the Ubumi Prisons Initiative and WAWCAS International. As an organizer and project leader with Lím Collective Operation 8 and Permasport under f(l)air consult, I am deeply engaged in human rights and social justice initiatives. My academic background includes a BA in Peace and Conflict Studies with additional coursework in International Law, as well as a Master of Philosophy in Criminology Law and Society from the University of Cape Town. Starting in 2025, I will begin my PhD in Criminology at the University of Cape Town, focusing on prison health as public health in Southern Africa. See LinkedIn.

Clara Rosa Sandbye

I am a PhD Fellow at the Department of Anthropology, Aarhus University. I am particularly interested in the intersection between anthropology and criminology, and how crime related issues can be approached through immersive ethnographic methods. With my PhD project, I investigate how offenders experience the aftermath of a crime and how criminalized conflict is approached by the Danish state, with focus on the Danish victim-offender mediation programme (Konfliktråd). I am affiliated with the Konfliktråd Impact Project (KIP) at Aarhus University. See website and LinkedIn.

Claudia Annamaria Di Marco

During my bachelor’s degree in International and Diplomatic Sciences, I focused on international law through the analysis of conflict cases. This pushed my curiosity into understanding the concept of “conflict”,  why conflicts occur and the different characteristics they present. I find interest in modern conceptions of colonialism and the consequences of colonial practices on the colonised (that often cause conflict). Now I am enrolled in the Human Security master’s degree, where we discuss topics such as the definition of a state, which can sometimes be problematic and cause conflict (eg., Israel and Palestine). See LinkedIn.

David Harvey

Coming from a background in historical and cultural geography, I work at the Department of Archaeology and Heritage Studies at Aarhus University. My research explores the implications and possibilities of understanding heritage as a relational process. Recent work includes critical research on practices of commemoration and commemorative spaces, and reflection on the connections between notions of risk and loss, climate change, heritage and decolonization/decarbonization. Ongoing research focuses on sketching the terrain in which a purposeful pacific heritage can flourish, including projects exploring the consequences of ‘borderstraddling heritage’ and investigating the potential role of heritage processes within peacebuilding practice. See website and LinkedIn.

Domenico Panetta

I am currently a master's student in Human Security at Aarhus University, and I have an academic background as a sociologist. Always passionate about the social dynamics rooted in modern capitalism, as well as the evolution of conflict and the use of violence within neocolonial communities, with particular attention to the use of misinformation and mental conditioning. During my studies, I worked as a researcher and social worker and studied various addictions, including alcoholism, drugs, gambling, and emotional addiction. See LinkedIn.

Domonkos Bálint Varga

I am enrolled in Aarhus University’s Human Security Master’s programme, with a BSc in security studies. Currently working on my thesis project, “From Segregation to Gentrification: Urban Policies & Human Security in Post-Conflict Belfast”, my research focuses on the long-term effects of urban development in a city marked by ethno-nationalist conflict. I explore how the built environment can serve as both a catalyst for improving human security and a potential barrier to it. By analyzing the role of urban policies in shaping these outcomes, my work aims to contribute to ensuring a dignified and secure life for all citizens in post-conflict settings. See LinkedIn.

Emilie Bonde Færch

I am currently studying for a bachelor’s degree in Anthropology at Aarhus University, and as part of my BA I am following the IV elective course "Restorative Justice". I hope to study at Malmö University for a master’s degree in criminology. I am particularly interested in society’s handling of the criminal and/or sick mind and the marginalisation or stigmatisation which may follow. Therefore, I am highly interested in expanding my knowledge of conflict management and the importance of dialogue as a means to deal with conflicts, which I believe to be invaluable in my future academic and professional endeavours. See LinkedIn.

Emilie Ellesøe Nielsen

I am an MSc Human Security student with a bachelor’s degree in biology. My academic interests lie in applied research on reciprocal relationships between human societies and the ecological environments they inhabit. I am interested in topics such as human security, environmental violence, climate justice, natural resource management, and conflicts. I am particularly interested in the disproportionate impacts of climate change environmental degradation on marginalized and disadvantaged populations and how environmental degradation, pollution, and resource scarcity can lead to conflict, displacement, and violence. Feel free to contact me with inquiries on interesting projects, collaborations, or discussions. See LinkedIn.

Eva Esmann Behrens

With a combined background in History of Ideas (MA) and dance, my studies have been concerned with the use of play to deal with conflict. I have worked with young people facilitating and further developing role plays about subjects related to peace, conflict, world politics, and economy. I am interested in how we, through our senses, play and interact with our surroundings, and how we can understand, learn about, and deal with the complexities of peace and conflict. Furthermore, I am interested in how academic and practical knowledge can benefit each other. Currently, I work in the crossing fields of visual art (installation) and movement. See website and LinkedIn

Finn Sten Jakobsen

As a Mediator and Economist, I am interested in the role of mediation and how it creates value for people and organizations. I am the co-owner of reCome and, until 2024, was simultaneously an Associate Professor at Aarhus University (strategy/business development), where I focused on conflicts in strategic processes, among other issues. In February 2024, I transitioned to a position as an External Associate Professor as my work in communication, culture, and conflict management has progressed positively. I see exciting opportunities to apply the mediation mindset from a broader perspective. I hold an MBA and am the co-author of three books on conflict and mediation. See LinkedIn.


Frederik von Lillienskjold Hjortshøj

I am in the final year of my MA in Human Security at Aarhus University, with a background in social anthropology. This year, I am completing my MA thesis on a more-than-human interpretation of the ‘human security’ framework, based on long-term fieldwork among the Sama-Bajau communities in Sulawesi, Indonesia. My thesis examines competing epistemologies of health insecurity related to demon spirits and possessed village members. I will present this research at the 2025 MARE Conference in Amsterdam. As part of my recent MA fieldwork, I interned at Moesgaard Museum and conducted a pilot collection focusing on shamanistic rituals among the Sama-Bajau people. My written work will be published in the Danish ethnographic journal Jordens Folk in this year’s Spring and Fall issues. I take a longue durée and multi-modal approach to capturing and reflecting on the sociality of being underwater. See LinkedIn.

Hanne Lund Madsen

I am deeply engaged in conflict mediation, having served as Chairperson for the Danish Centre for Conflict Resolution, as conflict mediator for the National Commissioner of Police in Denmark, and as Deputy Director at the Danish Institute for Parties and Democracy (DIPD), where I was involved in multiparty dialogue facilitation and conflict resolution training in Myanmar, Burkina Faso, Nepal, and Tanzania. I am also a member of Nordic Women Mediators and the Danish Deployment Facility for Peace and Democracy. In my current role in sustainable leadership, I promote conflict resolution awareness and competencies. See LinkedIn, FORWARD Advice, and Nordic Women Mediators

Henriette Johansen

Henriette Johansen is an Anthropologist with a geographical focus on the Middle East, specialising in peacebuilding, gender and migration. As a former investigative journalist and research consultant, her professional work has centred around providing research and analysis to improve national policies on women's rights, Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs), refugees and border management, particularly in the Levant and at EU level. She applied this experience to her work as a Generalist for the EU Commission and more recently, as a Women, Peace and Security Advisor in NATO Mission in Iraq where she supported the Iraqi Army's Service Commands to increase women's participation amongst their ranks and in peacebuilding. See LinkedIn.

Ian D. Marder

I am Associate Professor in Criminology and Deputy Director of the Centre for Criminology Research at Maynooth University School of Law and Criminology in Ireland. My work is largely applied, focusing on the development and study of restorative justice and restorative practices in criminal justice and working with justice ministries, criminal justice agencies and community sector organisations operating throughout the justice process to achieve this goal. I founded the Restorative Justice Pedagogy Network, which brings together people who teach restorative justice in higher education settings to discuss teaching and learning. See website and LinkedIn.

Ida Kromann

I am a Human Security master's student at Aarhus University, and has previously done an internship at Aarcon for my thesis research. Former Constable and Junior Medic in the Royal Danish Army. My bachelor's degree is in Anthropology, and my thesis explored the political disenfranchisement of ethnic minorities in Denmark. Additionally, I spent a semester at University College Dublin, Ireland, studying the intricate history of the Irish identity, encompassing its postcolonial state transition into the European Union and changes within the Catholic institution. My current academic interests focus on communication in conflict, to enhance our understanding of conflict management strategies, including negotiation, de-escalation, and reconciliation.

Isabel Bramsen

I am Director of Peace and Conflict Studies and Associate Professor at Lund University, Department of Political Science. In my research I apply a micro-sociological framework to study diplomacy, peace processes, nonviolent resistance and violence in a variety of contexts in the Middle East, Europe, South America, and Asia. I have authored several books on conflict resolution and my book, “The Micro-Sociology of Peace and Conflict” will be published by Cambridge University Press 2023. I am member of Nordic Women Mediators (NWM), chairman of Council for International Conflict Resolution (RIKO) and mediator at Centre for Conflict Resolution (CFK). See website and LinkedIn.

Johanne Dalager Buur

Currently, I’m studying for a BA in Anthropology at Aarhus University. I’m curious about generative ways of bridging across individualities in our world of interdependent relationships with nature and the living organisms around us. Driven by an interest in alternative thinking and the interrelationship of oppositions, I firmly believe in the potential of dialogue and a holistic acknowledgement of conflicts. I’m passionate about political activism and have directed my educational journey around aspects of conflicts. I’m eager to learn and engage in the development of alternative approaches to conflict to enhance social cohesion, integration, and individual sense of agency. See LinkedIn.

Jonas Tettinek

I am currently studying Human Security at Aarhus University, and I hold a bachelor's degree in Language and International Studies. My primary focus lies in international conflicts and the intriguing genesis of these disputes. I am passionate about dissecting the intricacies that lead to conflicts. This interest has fueled my academic journey, and I am eager to contribute to the field by exploring preventative measures and strategies within the realm of human security. Being part of Aarcon aligns seamlessly with my goal to actively engage with and make a meaningful impact on the understanding and resolution of conflicts. See LinkedIn.

Josephine Honoré

Educational background in Anthropology and Human Security. Broad experience facilitating workshops in nonviolent communication and conflict theory - for all age groups! Great interest in developing materials for broadening the accessibility of conflict theory and facilitating difficult conversations in social groups. I have facilitated difficult conversations and conflict mediation in groups co-living - and I am planning to broaden my efforts in this field! I have practical experience with preventing and resolving conflict between people in social projects and social housing projects. Educated from the Danish Centre for Conflict Resolution in ‘Mediation in Groups and Organisations.’ See LinkedIn

Jule Leitenberger

With a background in Anthropology and currently pursuing a master's in Human Security at Aarhus University, I'm driven by a curiosity to explore the complexities of human life. My interests span wide, but at the heart of it all is a desire to understand how our everyday choices shape the world around us. Conflicts, both historical and present, still play a significant role in shaping human existence. Although my focus continues to develop, my enthusiasm for exploring these diverse areas remains unwavering. See LinkedIn.

Jørgen Østergård Andersen

I am an anthropologist and an ethnographer – and a fieldworker in Sri Lanka since 1981-1982. I am a former research lecturer at Aarhus University and a visiting professor at Peradeniya University in Sri Lanka. At present, I perform a 12 months ethnographic fieldwork on the east coast of Sri Lanka, which is both a famous pilgrimage route (pada yatra) and an area that has experienced civil war and ethnic and social con­flicts since the 1980s and up until now. In ACCA, I have 13 years of experience with medical anthro­po­logy research and with coaching, counselling and advising medical doctors, patients, and relatives. See LinkedIn

Kana Ota

I am a master’s student in Human Security at Aarhus University, with a BA in International and Area Studies. I worked as an assistant social worker offering educational support for children with special needs, and got interested in various types of educational needs including gender sensitivity. In the future, I would like to focus on enhancing equality in both gender and education. I am particularly interested in public support for children in families that have relocated from various communities. See LinkedIn.

Karolina Patoka

I graduated with a Master of Science (MSC) in Social Sciences in Human Security at Aarhus University and have a bachelor's degree (BA) in African Studies, awarded with honours. I hope to do a PhD in peace and conflict studies. Primarily, I would like to investigate human security issues intersecting with access to justice and border conflicts. I welcome opportunities to begin selffinanced PhD research and would like to join research projects within Aarhus Centre for Conflict Management. Being a fellow affiliate in such a research environment will help build a network among researchers, students and practitioners. See LinkedIn.

Karoline Amalie Busk

I am a MSc student in Human Security at the Department of Anthropology at Aarhus University. Additionally, I have a BA in Communication and Cultural Encounter from Roskilde University. I have a specific interest in migration issues, civil society movements, languages, conflict mediation, and intercultural education. I have worked academically and professionally with inclusive education, both in the context of intercultural IB schools, special needs education, and education in refugee camps. See LinkedIn

Kevin Drieënhuizen

I studied Human Security at Aarhus University and am currently working for a municipality in the Netherlands to gain experience in local government. In this role, I aim to explore how to apply the knowledge from my studies to the workings of a local government. As part of my studies, I completed an internship at a Dutch organization, where I taught high school students about themes like human rights and migration in a game-based learning environment. My main interests in conflict resolution include restorative justice, mediation, and ownership. In the future, I hope to focus more on victim-offender mediation.
See LinkedIn.

Laura Fabricius

As a Human Security student (BA Soc), I am fascinated by the complexities of human interactions and advocacy. My thesis focuses on the dissemination of CEDAW (UN) in New Zealand, analysing how advocacy reaches different levels of society. During my internships with victim support organisations, APAV and VSE, I gained experience in human rights advocacy and crisis support. I aspire to explore human interactions with an approach that respects cultural diversity and structural inequalities—recognising that differences are crucial, as there is no one-size-fits-all solution to societal issues. Member of Pacific Women’s Watch NZ. See LinkedIn.

Llapushi Mariol

With a bachelor's degree in International and European Relations, my academic journey has encompassed a comprehensive study of crisis negotiation management in politics and economics, as well as conflicts and conflict resolution. Currently pursuing a master's degree in Human Security at Aarhus University, I have undertaken a focused exploration of conflict dynamics and management, further refining my knowledge in this domain. Through active engagement in a 12-hour workshop, I gained valuable practical experience in conflict management, augmenting my theoretical knowledge with hands-on skills to navigate different scenarios.

Lorenzo Floccari

I am a master’s student in Human Security at Aarhus University, holding a bachelor’s degree in International Relations and Political Sciences. My academic background has led me to concentrate my studies on food security, exploring issues arising from its absence, its implications for local development, and its impact on geopolitical relations. Specifically, Southeast and South Asia have been the primary regions of interest during my research conducted for my bachelor's degree, with a particular focus on Chinese and Indian influence, especially in contemporary conflicts and dynamics. These are subjects I aspire to delve deeper into through my master’s thesis. See LinkedIn

Louise Bro Jacobsen

As a social anthropologist from Aarhus University, I have studied non-violent communication and conflicts in many contexts relating to high conflict areas on a global scale. I have worked on crime prevention projects among young people growing up in social housing areas in Denmark since 2014. I was trained as a mediator at the Danish Centre for Conflict Resolution back in 2018, where I finally found a perfect match between my academic background and a hands-on method through the restorative justice approach. I use this approach in my part time work as a victim-offender mediator in the Danish Victim-Offender Mediation Programme. See LinkedIn

Louise Havsager Christensen

I am currently studying for a bachelor's degree in Anthropology at Aarhus University, and for this semester doing a course in Restorative Justice. This course has pushed my curiosity into understanding the concept of conflicts and how to deal with conflicts through communication. I especially find the “everyday conflicts” interesting – the ones you keep to yourself and the ones you wisely choose to share. I am excited about finding out what AARCON can teach me. See LinkedIn.

Maja Rønde Madsen

I am a master’s student attending the Human Security program at Aarhus University. I obtained my bachelor’s degree in Language and International Studies from Aalborg University. So far, I have had the pleasure of working on research projects spanning from the discursive features of the QAnon and their subsequent rise in Europe to external factors’ interference in conflicts in Southeast Asia and Africa. I further have experience in organisational work, both as a manager at Salling Group for ten years and doing fundraising for the Save Foundation located in South Africa. See LinkedIn.

Manon Raynaud

As a master’s student in Human Security in Aarhus with a diverse and interdisciplinary BA background in social sciences, languages, and politics with a focus on geography, I am driven to enhance my academic knowledge through practical projects and activities in the field of conflict management and human security. Convinced that a preventive perspective leads to more effective and stable management of risk situations, I aim to apply my academic understanding in an action-oriented approach to crisis management while learning new organizational tools for the prevention of potential conflicts. See LinkedIn.

Marcus Steffensen

I am a Master's student in European Political and Governance Studies at the College of Europe. I am also a former Aarcon intern and Human Security student at Aarhus University. When it comes to conflict, I am very interested in the topic of conflict ownership, how the term is conceptualised, and how that impacts who has the legitimacy to act within the conflict management process. I look forward to continue contributing to this centre. See LinkedIn.

Marie Elbinger Gramstrup

I am a licensed psychologist and a specialist in clinical- and child psychology. I have a private practice in Aarhus. I am also a Master of Mediation and Conflict Resolution. I work as a mediator in the Danish victim-offender mediation program (Konfliktråd). I assist the Family Court in high conflict cases. And I am an expert advisor for the juvenile delinquency board (Ungdomskriminalitetsnævnet). I have a background as a manager in the public sector, and I was trained in group analysis, teambuilding, and conflict management. I like working in the cross field between psychology and law, and I appreciate interdisciplinary problem solving. See website and LinkedIn

Marie Schneider

I am a master’s student in Human Security with a bachelor's in Market and Management Anthropology. I am particularly interested in Arctic and Indigenous politics, and especially in how climate change will impact indigenous groups’ livelihoods in the future. For my thesis, I undertook fieldwork in Finnmark, Norway, researching Sámi youths’ experiences of identity and belonging in the current Sámi-Norwegian space. Here I really got to grips with participant observation by working with a reindeer herding family. Currently, I am volunteering for the development organisation DIB, where we are working on implementing vegetable gardens in Nepalese schools. See LinkedIn

Martine Rønde Bjerg

I have a bachelor in Arabic and Islamic Studies and a Master's degree in Human Security. I am especially interested in the conflict dynamics behind inequality, and root causes behind personal, communal, and institutional reluctance or desire to change inequality drivers. I have formerly investigated access to equal treatment in the Danish health care system, social (non-)movements under authoritarian regimes and contexts with limited personal freedom, Jordanian university students’ opinions on women’s equal labor market inclusion, and the potential of mixed-gender youth programs. See LinkedIn

Miguel R. Mikkelsen

Educational background in Anthropology, Aarhus University, and PhD, Copenhagen University. As a researcher, I did research on children’s everyday mobility and risk taking. In 2009, I left academia to work as a project coordinator in social housing projects in Aarhus. An important result from this work has been my partnership in The Street Mediator Project (Gademægling) in cooperation with The Danish Red Cross Youth. I am trained and educated as a conflict mediator at The Danish Centre for Conflict Resolution and work part time as a conflict mediator in the Victim-Offender Mediation Programme of the East Jutland Police. See website and LinkedIn

Natalia Zbinder

I am currently enrolled in the Human Security Master's program at Aarhus University. I hold a Licentiate degree in Political Science and a postgraduate specialization in Non-Western Political Theory, both obtained from the University of Buenos Aires, as well as an MSc degree in Political Science and Government. My main area of focus is Peace and Conflict Studies, with an emphasis on conflict prevention and peacebuilding strategies. I am particularly interested in delving into the complexities of migration, integration, and conflicts between intra-state cultural groups. Furthermore, I have dedicated several years researching ​​Argentine national defence policy. See LinkedIn

Natasha Mølgaard

I am a Ph.D. Student at the Institute of Agroecology. With a background in Anthropology and Human Security, I am working in a multidisciplinary team, where my key role is to integrate insights from stakeholder engagements. My Ph.D. is integrated in two HE projects, SYBERAC & PollinERA, dealing with improving EU environmental risk assessment. My work focuses on understanding, mapping, and supporting the improvement of regulatory procedures, to move towards a systems-based approach. I investigate the conflicting interests, objectives, as well as the missing links between and within regulatory sectors, practitioners, and researchers. See website and LinkedIn.

Oona Muje

I am a master’s degree student in Human Security at Aarhus University, and I have a bachelor’s degree in politics and religious studies from the University of Glasgow. My specific interests include security in the Arctic regions, and political security in Eastern Europe. See LinkedIn.

Rachel Thines

I am an MSc student of Human Security at Aarhus University, with a bachelor’s degree in Political and Social Studies and European Culture from the Julius-Maximilians-University of Würzburg. During my academic studies, I mainly focused on social structure and inequality through the lens of gender studies, peace and conflict studies and autocracies in international relations. In my thesis, I researched, with the help of a comparative case study, the question of how autocratic rule functions and thus survives. See LinkedIn

Raja Albers

I am an MSc Human Security student at Aarhus University. With a background in Political Science and Peacebuilding, I am now eager to learn more about the interconnections between global crises, their effects on individuals and possibilities for humanitarian action and long-term policy. I am particularly interested in agency-based approaches to conflict resolution and peacebuilding, the circumstances and protection of forcibly displaced people and European Union policy in these fields. See LinkedIn

Sara Dybris McQuaid

Associate Professor at Aarhus University. I am a contemporary historian and political scientist who works mostly across the interdisciplinary fields of peace and conflict studies and memory studies. My research pivots around how collectives remember, forget and archive their past, particularly as part of conflict and peacebuilding processes. I teach on the BA in Humanities and Conflict and the MA in Intercultural Studies at AU. I am a founding member of the Centre for Resolution of International Conflicts at University of Copenhagen and co-director of the working group “Transformations of Conflict” in the COST action Slow Memory: Transformative Practices for Times of Uneven and Accelerating Change. See website and LinkedIn.

Sofie Budhoo Bjerregaard

I am a PhD fellow at the Department of Anthropology at Aarhus University. With my academic background in Anthropology and Human Security, I am currently conducting my PhD research in Odek, Northern Uganda, where I am ethnographically examining the development of local social dynamics and perceptions of justice in the wake of the International Criminal Court’s outreach activities in the communities, during the recently concluded trial of Dominic Ongwen. My interest in conflict dynamics, rehabilitation after conflict, and peacebuilding, stems from my background as a sergeant in the Danish army, where I worked for approximately three years in the infantry. See website and LinkedIn.

Sofie Scott

I am a first year master's student in the Human Security program at Aarhus University. I hold a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science and Gender, Sexuality, and Women's Studies as well as a Bachelor of Science in Psychology from the University of Pittsburgh. I am half American and half Danish and have grown up primarily in the USA. Prior to beginning my master's, I lived and worked in New York City, first as a paralegal at a criminal defense law firm, and later in consular services at the Danish Consulate. I am especially interested in incarceration, prison reform, and racial justice, and am excited to apply my passions and experience with Aarhus Centre for Conflict Management. See LinkedIn.

Sofus Rønberg

I am a MSc student of Human Security at Aarhus University and have a bachelor's in Peace and Conflict Studies. I have a background in civil society, where I have worked with human rights monitoring, youth empowerment and political organising. Currently, I am working with young people's democratic empowerment in social housing in Aarhus West. My academic interests involve tracks two and three diplomacy in peacebuilding, civil society agency in the context of shrinking civic spaces, and frictional encounters between local and global actors, especially in Eastern Europe and the MENA region. See LinkedIn

Thanh Van Vu

As student in Human Security at Aarhus University with a bachelor's degree in Global Development and Policy Analysis, I possess a solid understanding of conflict resolution and regional development programs. Serving as the Founder and Secretary General of Toyo Model UN, I have honed my skills in leadership, diplomacy, and negotiation. With experience in spatial data analysis and mapping and geographical information systems (GIS), I help organisations identify areas of conflict or instability, assess the impact of development projects, and map out the distribution of resources and services. See LinkedIn

Thea Synnestvedt

I am an MSc Human Security student at Aarhus University, with a bachelor’s degree in politics and philosophy from the University of Sussex, UK. Following my bachelor’s degree I worked in local government, focusing on policy and democracy. I am particularly interested in climate security, environmental peacebuilding and gender and will be conducting research focusing on the intersections between gender, climate security and displacement, with a particular focus on Mozambique. I am also a part of a Food Justice group where we work to increase access and awareness around local food in the Aarhus area. See LinkedIn

Vagn Mørch

I am educated in architecture and later as a maritime navigator. I am skilled in describing visions and finding ways on many levels. As a trained conflict mediator and restorative justice facilitator, I have many years of practical experience in working with individuals, groups, schools, and institutions on cases with opposing relationships. Over the last 12 years, I have been an active mediator in the Danish Victim-Offender Mediation Programme under the Danish Police. On the bigger scale, I have focussed on the challenge for indigenous people to be equally recognized, and have travelled on all continents. See LinkedIn

Victor Nemo Hensing

Artist, anthropologist and cranio-sacral therapist. I am working with the intersections of artistic, academic and manual practice. My foci are conflicts and restorative approaches related to water ecologies, woodlands, time, and affect. I am based in Aarhus, where I am tinkering with participant-based projects, treating in the clinique, writing/recording, and wooden ships. Also, I am engaged in research and coverage of Latin American issues from my fieldwork and with Det Andet Amerika (podcast/talks/events). See LinkedIn.